The Children's Activities

Daily schedule from Monday to Friday.

Time Activities
05.00 a.m. Wake up, Take a Bath, Pray for Subuh
07.00 a.m. Breakfast
07.30 a.m. Go to school
01.35 p.m. Pray for Zuhur and Lunch
02.00 p.m. Get a rest
03.00 p.m. Do revision and homework
04.30 p.m. Perform a prayer Asar
04.30 p.m. Perform Asar prayer
04.45 p.m. Tea time
05.00 p.m. Recreation
06.40 p.m. Shower, praying while waiting for Maghrib
08.30 p.m. Dinner
09.00 p.m. Do revision
10.30 p.m. Time to bed

Daily schedule for Saturday, Sunday and public holiday

Time Activities
05.00 a.m. Wake up, Take a Bath, Pray for Subuh
07.00 a.m. Breakfast
07.30 a.m. Clean the hostel/Do a laundry
09.15 a.m. Do revision and homework
12.00 p.m. Lunch and get a rest
01.15 p.m. Perform a Zuhur
02.00 p.m. Al-Quran class
04.45 p.m. Tea time
05.00 p.m. Recreation
06.40 p.m. Take a bath, praying while waiting for Maghrib
08.00 p.m. Recite Al-Quran, Pray Isyak
08.30 p.m. Dinner
09.00 p.m. Do revision
10.30 p.m. Time to bed